A Day In The Life Of A Recruiter - 1/2

I was in in-house recruitment in the capacity of HR Manager for the previous year. If it was a day I should be fully focused on recruitment, I would have a timetable like this:

Meet wit General Manager and Department Heads to get myself warm up with the recruitment demand ahead alongside with the short/ medium directions and visions of the organisation.

Draft JDs for line/ hiring managers' approval and get the budget for each opening.

Lunch          (' o ')/ " A burger on the go, please"

Listen to line/ hiring managers' feedback and comments. 

Fine-tune the JDs and publish the JDs-turning-into-Job Advertisements on approved and proper channel. 

Applicants being to response to the Job Advertisements and I start reviewing the CVs.

Leave the office but there are (2/2) on the next day.

Sonia's remarks: It seems like hiring people is all that a recruiter does, then everybody will be able to do it. But in the reality, recruiters with some particular personalities and skill-set will shine and be more successful than others. Different recruiters make different differences.
